Expanding the Discovery Garden Question Title * 1. How many children do you usually bring to the Discovery Garden? 1 2 3 4 5 6-10 more than 10 Question Title * 2. What are their ages? 0 to 2 3 to 5 6 to 8 9 to 11 12 or older Question Title * 3. What is your relationship to them? Parent Grandparent Aunt/Uncle Sibling Caregiver Teacher Camp counselor Other Question Title * 4. Do any of the following motivate you to visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden? Learning about the natural world Spending time in nature Going to a place where kids can run around Attending a specific program Spending time with your children, family, or group Engaging in science-related activities Spending time in a place of beauty Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Which of the following do you regularly do during your visits to BBG? Talk to a gardener Read plant labels Interact with a docent or staff member Read other informative signage Use the kids’ map Look closely at a particular plant Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Check all that apply to the following statement:At BBG I generally… I feel safe being outside in nature I feel comfortable exploring nature with young visitors I feel confident answering my children's questions about nature I feel confident answering my children's questions about science Question Title * 7. How can BBG better support you in exploring the Discovery Garden with your child? Question Title * 8. How are you affiliated with BBG? I'm a visitor I'm a member I'm a volunteer I take classes there I'm an employee If you would like to be part of a focus group please enter your email here: Question Title * 9. What language do you speak at home? Question Title * 10. Anything else that you want to tell us about the Discovery Garden? Done